Tomb Raider 15th Anniversary Art – Randy Green

15-Year Celebration: “The Crucible” by Randy Green

“Lara Croft has always come across as a strong-willed, self-confident character. Here however, I imagined her at a point where that inner confidence must be forged into action and put to the test. She is shaken and unsettled by her current situation, but ready to face head-on whatever challenges lie ahead!”

– Randy Green

About Randy Green: After graduating with a BFA in painting, Randy Green worked for several advertising agencies as an Artist/Art Director while dabbling in comics on the side. During this period he mostly collaborated with Dark Horse and Image before pursuing comic book art full-time and producing content for Marvel, DC Comics, and others.

Top Cow’s Witchblade was Randy’s first extended run on a title and opened the doors to many other opportunities, including contributions to Tomb Raider and a creator-owned title – Dollz – which he hopes to return to in the future. He continued on to pencil additional work for Marvel on Emma Frost and New X-Men Academy X, always managing to squeeze in a project or cover for other comic companies.

In recent years Randy has been doing most of his work behind the scenes for DC Creative, and has had a couple of books come out through Aspen Comics.

Randy has been working in comics full-time for over a decade now, and enjoys life in the country with his wife Amy and children Haley and Max. [Randy’s Website]

Visit and download “The Crucible” to adorn your desktop or favorite mobile device.