Community Contribution: “Hope” by Lexa

“I decided to draw Lara in a dark, dangerous place. She is nearly unarmed and the torchlight that illuminates the way can be extinguished at any moment. She may remain in this dark place, with many dangers around. We don’t see horror on her face in spite of her situation. I am sure she will cope despite her adolescence and inexperience.”
– Lexa
About Lexa: Lexa was born and currently lives in Crimea nearby the Black Sea. She has been drawing since age three, and is currently 18-years-old.
Lexa just finished art school and currently is focusing on a secondary education at a specialty graphic art school with an emphasis in decorative and applied art.
Lexa has been playing the original Tomb Raider games since age six, and the original is still her favorite PC game. [Lexa’s Website]
Visit the official Tomb Raider Flickr feed and download “Hope” to adorn your desktop or favorite mobile device.