Tomb Raider 15th Anniversary Art – Tiphaine Vaudable

Community Contribution: “Everything Has A Beginning” by Tiphaine Vaudable

“I chose to draw the new Lara in the beginning of her journey, inspired by the first scene of the game. I decided to use sepia-toned colors to show the birth of the legend we all know.“

– Tiphaine Vaudable

About Tiphaine Vaudable: Tiphaine Vaudable – also known as Illyne – lives near Lyon, France. Drawing has been her passion for years and a way for Tiphaine to extend the adventures of Lara Croft.

In the near future Tiphaine would like to involve herself more seriously in art, hopefully in the world of comic illustrations.

Tiphaine is also a well-known cosplayer, recognized for her many Lara Croft costumes. [Tiphaine’s Website

Visit the official Tomb Raider Flickr feed and download “Everything Has A Beginning” to adorn your desktop or favorite mobile device.